The Old Testament is the story of Yahweh's Covenant with the seed line of Abraham. There is no Heaven nor Hell as we understand either term in the Hebrew world. They live in the here and now. But Yahweh is their patron, seeing them through years of hardship. He promises them a Messiah, who one day will slay all their enemies, making them rulers over all nations of the world.
Lo! One day, Jesus arrives, the promised Messiah, but he subverts Jewish expectations because he arrives proclaiming his Kingdom is not of this earth. He's not a great warrior at all, but a charismatic magician who claims the authority to forgive sin and be one with the Father. Accordingly, the majority of Jewish reject mim and the religious leaders conspire successfully to have him put to death by the Romans.
But He is resurrected, at least that's what a bunch of Jewish people are saying. The earliest followers of Jesus are Jews, but most Jews have rejected Him and continue to await their Messiah.
But now, according to Paul, the Covenant with the seedling of Abraham is over. Any Jew is welcome to proclaim Jesus as Messiah, but Paul tells us that God has changed His mind and now His Covenant is with all people of the world who recognise Christ as Messiah. You can worship Jesus and you don't have to get circumsized. Not even half off, it's free!
But there's a catch: not only is the New Covenant open to all, it is also MANDATED to all. All MUST believe, because as it turns out, accepting Jesus entails accepting the Old Testament story about how the world came about; how we are all under the curse of Adam and Eve's sin, something completely unknown to us until the Jews rejected Jesus and the Covenant was opened to the Gentiles.
Now we are told, under the New Covenant, that God favours everyone except his old favourites, the Jews. At the same time, however, he now condemns everyone, Jew and Gentile alike, to eternal conscious torment if they either a) fail to believe in Jesus; or b) fail to believe/acknowledge him correctly - as there is more than one competing version of the Gospel.
We are told there is a Church that is the new Covenant, which split into 3 Churches over a 1000 years ago (Roman, Orthodox and Coptic). Christ mandates membership, on pain of eternal torment or reward, in both the correct One True Church, and by acting correctly in regard to faith and works, but each Church teaches something different in that regard, too.
Then there is a Reformation. The Roman Church is rejected and some people in the West return to the Book as their primary authority instead of the Church, believing that they will receive the benefit of the new Covenant simply by believing in Christ. But still they are confused, and 33,000 denominations follow, because they cannot agree on the proper formula for getting to Heaven, despite multiple confident proclamations of Good News for some and Bad News for everyone else.
Guaranteed, however, that no matter how secure you feel as a Christ follower in your salvation, there is some Christian Church somewhere, that numbers you among the damned. It is simply unavoidable.
The main point to all of this is that 'Salvation comes from the Jews' is only one side of it. The threat of 'Damnation' came from the Jews also. According to their own Book, there was no Heaven or Hell when God walked with the Jews of the Old Testament. Nobody went to Heaven or Hell. There may have been a place called Sheol where everyone went and while it wasn't Paradise, it wasn't Hell either.
But then Jesus the Jewish Messiah came (allegedly); the Jewish leaders rejected Him and lost their special status in the eyes of God. But wait, what is this? Out of nowhere, comes the Pharisee Paul (born Saul) who claims a vision of the Risen Lord told him to preach the Good News to Jew AND GENTILE alike. And what is the Good News? It's that the Jewish God is the greatest of all Gods and the only One you may worship; that he's really mad at everyone because of something Adam and Eve did; that we are all wretchedly evil and deserve, and are going to Hell. Unless? No worries. Jesus came to save you. Yes, you Gentile. The Jewish Messiah who calls His people in the 4 Gospels and referred to you as dogs in Matthew and Mark, yes, he has changed his Mind and now calls you to believe in Him.
Abandon your gods. Believe in the Jewish God, Jesus, and all that sin and damnation stuff we just told you about goes long as you spend your life obeying the priests that run His Church.
And just remember, the only reason you're in this mess is because the people of the Old Testament rejected Him. Now all people, Jew and Gentile alike, ALL are damned and MUST become worshippers of Yahweh if they are to have any chance at all of avoiding eternal conscious torment. (and by the way, a predetermined number of you are destined to Hell because God knows everything so you kinda have free will, but not really)
Again, remember, had the Jews NOT rejected Christ, the Gentiles would never have known of Yahweh, and never would have come under the current threat of eternal damnation for failing to believe in Him. We are told that God so loved the world, that He sent His Only Son to walk among His Chosen People. And the punishment for their rejection of their Messiah, their action is our punishment, because now we are all born condemned, from smallest baby to oldest serial killer, to eternal hellfire if we fail to worship the Jew's a way that he's never made entirely clear because we have 1000s of Churches disagreeing over it.
And now, to really add icing on the cake, ever since that nasty bit of business in Europe during the Second World War, and the subsequent creation of a certain nation in the Middle East, our leaders have decided that it's time for are change. We are now told that 2000 years of both Jews and Gentiles needing Christ for salvation was false. We are told that the Old Covenant with the Jews actually remains valid, unbroken and eternal. It turns out that the Jews do not need Jesus. They can rely for their salvation on their continued relationship with Yahweh. They do not need to convert to Christianity.
Yup, that's right. The Jewish rejection of Jesus achieved only two things. It brought hellfire to the Gentiles and the Gentiles only. The Jews are still the Chosen People and exempt from the consequences of rejecting Jesus. If this new antisuccessionist view is true, it follows that the Jewish rejection of the Messiah brought the reality of eternal damnation down upon the Gentiles, courtesy of the Jewish God, but the Jews themselves are exempt. Not only are they exempt, but they also get the benefit of Heaven. All of them. But only the Gentiles who worship Jesus correctly have a shot at Heaven. The rest get Hell. Where there will be no Jews because their Covenant with God is still valid despite kicking off the whole Heaven and Hell thing by their rejection of their Messiah.
But remember, and this is vital, even if the trendy new antisuccessionist view is wrong, and the Jews still 'need' Jesus, there would be no threat of Hellfire if the sheep Jesus came for had answered his call.
Thanks, guys.
I'm starting to see why some people see Christianity as a horrific psyop.
Is this the first historical example of the Hegelian Dialect - Problem, Reaction, Solution? Pagans were free to live life to the fullest. Christ literally brought Hell to their lives. The people react with fear and trembling, only for Christ to offer Himself to solve the problem in exchange for our submission to His Church and/or Word. To make matters even worse, the offered solution is contested by various churches and denominations' versions of 'how to be saved', thereby making the solution ever more elusive, and Hell that much more of a paralysing threat preventing one from living life to the fullest.
“The reason we are so controlled is not that we don't have the power to decide our own destiny, it is that we give that power away every minute of our lives. When something happens that we don't like, we look for someone else to blame. When there is a problem in the world, we say "What are they going to do about it". At which point they, who have secretly created the problem in the first place, respond to this demand by introducing a 'solution' - more centralisation of power and erosion of freedom. If you want to give more powers to the police, security agencies and military, and you want the public to demand you do it, then ensure there is more crime, violence and terrorism, and then it's a cinch to achieve your aims. Once the people are in fear of being burgled, mugged or bombed, they will demand that you take their freedom away to protect them from what they have been manipulated to fear. The Oklahoma bombing is a classic of this kind, as I detail in ..And The Truth Shall Set You Free. I call this technique problem-reaction-solution.
Create the problem, encourage the reaction "something must be done", and then offer the solution. It is summed up by the Freemason motto 'Ordo Ab Chao' -order out of chaos. Create the chaos and then offer the way to restore order. Your order. The masses are herded and directed by many and varios forms of emotional and mental control. It is the only way it coud be done.” (David Icke)
Icke may talk about Lizard People and a Hollow, Artificial Moon, but he seems to be rather on point here...