Monday, January 22, 2024

N.T. Wright, Antichrist's Anglican Theologian

In March 2011 at the regional meeting of the Society of Christian Philosophers, Bishop N.T. Wright attacked the majority of western Christians who consider their beliefs orthodox theology. Wright said:

"The western tradition, catholic and protestant, evangelical and liberal, charismatic and social-gospel, has managed for many centuries to screen out the central message of the New Testament, which isn’t that we are to escape the world and go to heaven, but rather that God’s sovereign, saving rule would come to birth ‘on earth as in heaven.'"

Quite a serious charge! Nevertheless, Wright makes no apologies. He uses strong language but, at the same time, expresses sadness. Why? Because he is afraid the charge is indeed true. Is he right? Have Christians missed it? Have we failed to live under the Word? Instead of allowing Scripture to shape our worldviews, are we guilty of attempting to grasp the Bible from on top – our interpretation of it? Unfortunately, I have to agree with Wright. But his charge prompts more questions: What is the root of the problem? Where does the idea to escape this world come from? These questions lead us back to Greek philosophy. - Tammy Barnet

And here we see, once again, N.T. Wright's antisupercessionism and political globalist bona fides.  He's paying lip service to 'on earth as in heaven but is promoting Tikkun Olam, which makes him a servant of the coming Antichrist.


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