Why does Catholic Christianity present as so weak and unsure of itself, especially when compared against the confidence of Islam? Western man, in general, is weak and degenerate, of course. But what is the source of that weakness? What is it about Catholicism today that makes most of us unable to push back with similar confidence against criticism from the world?
White nationalist literature, in particular, claims that Christianity was always weak. That belief in our Crucified Lord is the reason why Rome fell; that our alleged exultation of weakness is the reason why the 'Jews' dominate,us etc. But these penny dreadful Hitler fans always come across as weak victims themselves, complaining about how their superior Aryan culture was conquered by those inferior to them. And I am convinced by people like Miles Mathis, that most of the influential 'white nationalist' writers are not Intel agents and otherwise not who they appear to be.
The actual truth is that Christianity, specifically Catholicism (Roman and Orthodox), WAS strong. Catholics pushed back the Muslim hordes on numerous occasions. Catholics tamed the barbarian heart and made it noble. Catholics were inspired to greatness, building splendid architecture including cathedrals, creating great art, writing great literature; pushing for greater social equality and helping the poor. So what happened?
The 'Holocaust'. Yes, I've said it. The last century has seen Christianity dethrone the Cross at Calvary with the gas chamber at Auschwitz, as title-holder to the Worst Event in Human History. We aligned ourselves with monied interests that seemed to offer us prestige, but in fact, controlled what we are allowed to say and do. Just look into the CIA's doctrinal program to change the teachings of the Catholic Church against the Judeo-Masonic heresy of Americanism, in exchange to geo-political favours. Look into the history of the Scoffield Bible, with its emphasis on supporting Zionism, at the cost of fidelity to our Lord.
We redirected our guilt as sinners away from the atonement and sanctifying grace of our Lord, and allowed those who hate Him to feed off all that yummy 'loosh', claiming it is theirs for the feasting, in retribution and recompense for two thousand years of Sicut Judaeis Non.
Look at the secular universities peddling their 'scholarly opinions' that Paul, in fact, invented Christianity; that the Gospels are late and that Jesus said virtually nothing of what is attributed to him. News flash: none of these so-called scholars have access to any 'real' copies. They have no secret documents that overturn 2000 years of Catholic Truth. They have not cracked any Da Vinci Code and learned the Gnostic secrets of Jesus Christ. They don't actually know anything; their job is to destroy knowledge through deconstruction and nominalism. Their job, which they've done extremely well, is to forgo empirical evidence and focus instead on interpretation and narrative, appealing to phoney probabilities whose numbers are made up by a conjuring circlejerk of satanic scholars. All they have worked toward and achieved is creating a falsifying narrative of Christianity's origins and present it as 'the latest research'.
These false narratives are taught to eager young seminarians, destroying the faith of the innocent but credulous; while appealing to the avarice of the cynically motivated, who are rewarded with top ecclesiastical positions in the false Clown churches of England and other such abominations.
I was in academia for a short time. I excelled at first, but when I attended one of the top British universities to do a PhD, I swiftly discovered that Theology Departments are the worst places for people of faith. I recall my first public lecture; I gave a gentle, breezy talk on G.K. Chesterton and the Laughter at the Heart of the Gospel. The first 45 minutes went extremely well, but when I segued to my final section on how we could use Chesterton to spread the Gospel, it was as though I had sucked all the air out of the room. The audience reverted to a stony silence, a panel of disapproving Sanhedrin. I asked my supervisor afterwards what went wrong. The normally affable chap looked at me in a manner I'd never seen on his face and replied, "This is a Theology Department. We don't do religion here."
It was that moment I was realise that my academic life was over before it had even begun. I had left a career in litigation to pursue an academic life in service to the Lord. I had burned bridges in my legal career by taking a public stand for Christianity in Bermuda, writing letters to the newspaper, 'outing' myself as a gently conservative Christian. In doing so, I had in the words of a childhood school chum who then worked for a top employment agency that I had made myself, "Unemployable. You're not a homophobe, but companies don't like controversy and you're viewed as insufficiently enthusiastic about the LGBTQ community."
Insufficiently enthusiastic. That little phrase seared itself into my frontal lobe as a damning verdict against my soul. And indeed it was. Despite all my theatre work; despite many years of enduring friendships with a wide range of endearing degenerates (a label I attach to myself also), there is a short but consequential time in my life when I crossed a small cadre of powerful skittles activists who took it upon themselves to stone my career to death for daring to speak truth to power.
The difference is that St. Stephen died a martyr's death for proclaiming the Gospel. He is at least remembered well for making the ultimate sacrifice. My life was spared such extreme punishment, but what happened afterwards was much worse. The Anglican Church, chiefly through my spiritual director who had encouraged me to stand firm and use my status as a litigator to speak on the matter, completely abandoned me. O, he continued to write the occasional reference letter on my behalf once I'd lost everything, but once he became Bishop, and started ordaining homosexuals and women (against everything he had preached when he was a mere pastor), the letters became less and less helpful.
Moreover, a coldness developed between us. He knew he was at least partially responsible for my employment problems and so, instead of righting the wrong by helping me pursue a career in the Anglican Church, he allowed himself to begin to hate me. He kept it under wraps, but the change in his wife's demeanour around me was the obvious tell. My overtures about seeking ordination in the Anglican Church were met with a lot of handwaving, budgetary concerns and the need to do at least 5 years of training placements overseas in inner-city areas of the UK...but just a few months ago, two women were ordained after completing an online Masters and helping out each week at their home church for a few years. So much for hurdles.
Of course, they'll cite the fact I converted to Catholicism as The Reason for our estrangement, but that is a lie. I left the Anglican Church because it left me out in the cold and I was forced to seek shelter elsewhere.
The story of my disastrous time at seminary in Rome is for another day. For it was in the Rome specifically (not Catholicism proper) that I came to realise that all churches and denominations have been infiltrated. There is no safe harbour anywhere. We must use our discernment to find the genuine believers who exist estranged in different pockets of Christianity. I used to have a more romantic notion of discernment - that the Good Guys have a visible inner light, and I prided myself on being able to spot the Holy Spirit - it felt like a spiritual gift. But I have been wrong more than once. The wolves among the sheep are easy to spot, but the serpents are more crafty.
The serpents have infiltrated the Churches, the Universities, the Media, everything. They have stolen our ability to feel joy and they have done it by making us feel guilty about ourselves and our faith. The poor innocent serpent, with his beautiful scaly skin, is a victim of our bigotry, our hatred, all born out of resentment for his superior intellect and relationship to God. We covet what the serpent has by his proximity to God, so we persecute him unjustly. And now that we repent of bigotry, we must atone for our sins by listening to the serpent, secretly meekly with our mouths shut, letting him teach us correctly with his serpent tongue, and guide us in the ways of servant-ry.
And THAT is why we are losing to Islam. We are footstools to a creature that lacks legs but keeps a boot in our face using lies, insinuations, and false narratives. We are presented with a real threat in Islam but that is nothing new for it has always been a formidable and sometimes honourable foe; but it is the inner enemy, the Wormtongue that we have given dominion over the teachings of our Catholic Faith, that is far more deadly. For its poison saps our energy and worse, makes us willing cattle offering our necks to the executioner's sword.
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