Thursday, November 7, 2024

An Apologia for Sloth

One is unable to enjoy reading a book in a coffee shop knowing others are working to survive, because he is stricken with guilt and a lingering imposition of shame upon his inactions.  A child feels no such anxieties as she plays in her pram; these feelings are imposed by external forces.  

A Pagan mind will decry a slothful life tempo as contemptible, for his answer to the fleeting temporality of life is to seek glory with deeds that matter to him, always anxiously working against the clock and the hand of fate, to pack his life full of achievements, thereby earning immortality in this life, before he dies.  

The Christian mind tut tuts disapprovingly at the sensual hedonist sipping his americano and would deny him peace by criticising his lack of agape toward others.  Where are his selfless acts of charity for the benefit of mankind?  How dare he waste his life when he should be out spreading the Gospel; feeding the homeless, or contemplating the nature and wisdom of God through a monastic life in prayer?  

The latter brims with seething resentment and envy against the good fortune of the non-suffering coffee sipper, while the haughty pagan hides his terror of extinction by making himself busy mythologising his every moment. Neither can abide an attitude of indifference toward their neurotic, quixotic compulsion to justify their lives with 'carpe diem' or 'an honest day's work'.  Though philosophical opponents, both pagan and Christian are seeking eternal rewards by their efforts, and resent those who seem to have the prize without suffering for it.

Fine, they say, but do not expect us to help you when things go wrong for you.  As of course they will eventually, as all life is a zero sum.  Is this not, therefore, a reason to act hedonistically in the meantime?  You already castigate the Christian to expect no help, for suffering is his practice and martyrdom ought to be his ideal.  And you implore the pagan to desire no help, for outside assistance signals weakness and incompetence, and would deplete his glory.  

The hedonist expects no help simply because he knows the people around him are already either indifferent or hateful, hoping for his destruction anyway.  Humans love to look up to avatars of achievement, but they secretly despise the success of people they know in real life.  People love happy endings for themselves, but they desire tragedy in the lives of others.  

The hedonist is more honest; he invites criticism simply by allowing all to see he has no interest in playing the games that others expect him to join in on.

True enlightenment is to place oneself outside of both paganism and theism, they seek to invade and overlap his mind with hostility and envy, like some vicious Venn diagram.  Those qualities that impose themselves upon us as virtues are  complaints in disguise, demanding one pull himself down to their level of personal dissatisfaction.

We all die in the end.  Whether what we do in life echoes in eternity is either a great mystery or a resentful slogan.  Why bother giving any energy to it all?

Now I'm going to Clorox and scrub off the mildew on my father's porch tiles.  Not because the day is young, or to do a good deed, but because I get off on huffing bleach fumes.  Yo ho ho.

Sunday, November 3, 2024

Seeing what the Others See in Christianity

 The spread of Calvinism was unusual.  In contrast to Catholicism, which has been maintained by civil and military force, and Lutheranism, which survived in becoming a religion of politics, Calvinism had, for the most part, only its consistent logic and its fidelity to the Scriptures.  Within a generation it spread across Europe. - Charles Miller

Everywhere you look is conquest.  Yahweh the 2 faced God.  O Jesus, meek and mild, the loving good shepherd, Son of the One God who will allow for no other Gods but him

 It is noteworthy that all of these Reformed bodies shared the conviction that Christianity in many parts of Europe prior to the Reformation was little more than a veneer.  As these Reformed believers surveyed Europe, they saw what they could regard only as large swaths of paganism.  The planting of solidly biblical churches was desperately needed.  This explains in large measure the Reformers' missionary focus in Europe. - Joel r. Beeke

They want you to picture a group of erstwhile missionaries walking amongst demon worshipping cannibal pedophiles with their Bibles, bringing the good news of Jesus Christ.  And to be fair, there are certainly places in the world where the fearsome tribal deity, Jahweh, was more civilised than some.  But when it comes to pagan Europe, you had gangs of zealous desert scoundrels, pouring into the beautiful cities in Greece, Rome and the Mediterranean basin, destroying temples and art work, just as they've done in the Middle East.

Tolerance of neighbouring faiths and practices is a pagan virtue, practiced by those gifted with the responsibility of imperial rule.  Monotheistic societies allow for no one other than Jesus.  The puritans escaped to the New World to start afresh, free from the tyranny of Rome.  But their religious tolerance extends only to brands of Christianity.  They slaughtered the pagan 'savages'.  Yahweh brooks no competition.  Yahweh, the Jewish god is a supremacist.

We are all caught up in the apocalyptic theatre of Judaism, Christianity and Islam at war with each other.  We must resist it.  And in our resistance we must be careful not to fall into the Jewish trap of New Age Communistic 'We are One' claptrap.  Tikkun Olam may be a more insidious, subtle face of Yahwism, but it is still one of Yahweh's 3 faces.

Saturday, November 2, 2024

The Shroud as Trickster


Of course, the darn thing haunts my dreams and conscience, whenever i’m tempted to slough off Catholicism/Christianity in favour of trendy Jungian subjectivity, ayahuasca journeys, and consciousness-based idealism.

But what does it prove? Even if genuine, I still have to believe Paul’s claims that Christ came for non-Jews because i cannot find anything definitive in the Gospels that the Jewish Messiah came for anyone other than his lost sheep from the tribes of Abraham. Nothing universalist or trinitarian to be found in the image. So perhaps the Shroud's miraculous testimony is relevant only to Torah followers and was never meant for the rest of us.  

Proof of a perennial weird reality that could include Gnostic understandings of Jesus, as well as opening the door to miracles claims across the paranormal spectrum? Surely, so. But proof masturbation, or missing Mass on Sunday, are mortal sins as per dogmatic Catholic teaching? Surely not.  

And do the Gospels tell an accurate story about the circumstances that led to that image? The Shroud offers little by way of evidence in that regard. Who's to say that the image was not found by religious enthusiasts, and a fanciful story made up about the image to explain its origins?

Moreover, the Shroud provides no answers to disputed questions of Christian theology. Its existence as supporting 'evidence' of Christian truth claims is more frustrating than having no evidence at all because the crucified man's image is left open to interpretation, with no way forward. Is it proof of an illuminated Gnostic person, the ultimate in self-actualisation? Or is it proof he died for my sins, as traditional orthodoxy asserts? If so, which church got it right on how to receive the benefit of that sacrifice? Eastern Orthodoxy's process of salvation? Catholicism's merit-based system? Some version of Once Saved, Always Saved?  

If anything, the Shroud is a torture device, preventing us from walking away from the threat of eternal conscious damnation that seems otherwise fairly poorly evidenced. Leaving us hanging and miserable wondering what, if anything, we must do to be saved - or if such idea of salvation is even necessary. Far from being a gift of a gracious god, it presents as the malicious act of a supernatural trickster, one who wants to leave us perpetually worried that Hell just might be real after all; and good luck figuring out which version of Christianity, if any, we must follow to avoid the flaming pits of perdition.

The image on the Shroud is of a Tortured Man and, thanks to it, that tortured man is me.

Friday, November 1, 2024

Bread and Circuses

The 'Do What Thou Wilt' culture of freedom is an illusion.  Christians were persecuted by the Romans because they recognised an authority higher than Caesar.  The latter tolerated the worship of many gods, practices and forms of expression, especially sexual hijinx, in exchange for loyalty to Rome.  Rome offered bread and circuses, libido dominandi, lower forms of freedom, to appease the rabble while keeping a tight political control on higher freedoms, such as liberty.

Christians were gadflies.  Their alien Jewish god brooked no exceptions to his prescribed morality, and they sought to convert others to their way of thinking.  Though mostly obedient to Roman law, they were subverters of Roman authority and rule.  Their ethos of elevating the slave while simultaneously demoting the owner, struck at the very heart of the natural hierarchy of man observed by Roman law and ethics.  

What we have is a clash of ideas of what it means to be free.  Rome offered stability and civilisation in exchange for loyalty to the Emperor, which it imposed and maintained by force, both carrot and stick.  Christian (or should I say, Jewish) revolutionaries, sought to undermine that relationship to its subjects, claiming no God but their God could rule them.  Their God was a respecter of no persons, he loved only his Chosen People.  These people refused to assimilate and live peacefully among others, all of whom their God said were unclean; and even some of them he had ordered to be massacred.  Living with such infidels under the umbrella of Roman rule was intolerable to a member of the Chosen.

And so a myth was created, a propaganda war, utilising images of dying and rising gods already existent within Roman and Greek mythology.  Jews created the myth of Christ and sold it to other Jews, proclaiming the Kingdom of God to be at hand.  Freedom from the Romans was coming.  But they lacked numbers; it wasn't enough.

Enter the figure of Paul, expressed with great rhetorical and psychological panache as an early oppressor of those of the new faith, become their greatest advocate.  He specifically takes the role as the apostle to the gentiles, opening up the Jewish god to non-Jews.  The goal was to subvert the Roman Empire because the Jews could not tolerate living among people who worshipped other gods; nor, especially could they tolerate being ruled by infidels.

And so 'Paul' brought this message of revolution and liberation to the gentiles.  Revolution that was small, for it lacked might; a liberation grounded in passive aggressive resistance; of resentment toward the strong masquerading as humility.

Of course, not all Jews were on board with this narrative effort.  The Sanhedrin and Jewish elders had made arrangements with Rome.  They were satisfied with the status quo, ruling over their own people while swearing fealty also to Rome.  And so the myth of Christ had to account for this in the trial before Pilate, and insistence by the jewish elders he be crucified.  The Sanhedrin were the bow-tie wearing conservatives claiming to resist the deep state, but clucking disapprovingly at the reactionary red-pilled jews for trying to take matters into their own hands.  And so, they became the chief 'bad guys' in the based bundle of lies that was sold to jew and gentile alike.

It explains the resistance to this day by Jews to the Christian claim that their Messiah has come.  

It must be remembered that Christianity is a radical Jewish movement that splintered off from the status quo rabbis, who actively sought to bring about revolution by concocting a syncretic myth that circulated among the slave classes, both jew and non-jew.

Nietzsche was right when he wrote, "What we must remember when we look at this issue of Christianity, is that we are dealing with Jews, from top to bottom."

Another faction of militant Jews engaged in open revolt.  The Romans responded by destroying the Jewish temple in AD70.  Yet another reason for a propaganda war.

From here, we see the birth of the blood feud animas that exists to this day between Jews and Christians.  Christianity was a jewish movement, but because it enlisted gentiles to their cause, a special hatred toward the Roman Catholic Church was birthed by the destruction of the Jewish temple, which carried forth to and beyond the establishment of Christianity as the official religion of Rome. 

The early history of Christianity is a case of jewish in-fighting over how to defeat Rome.  Jewish militants tried force, but were defeated in AD70.  Instead, it was the Jewish 'Christian' strategy that eventually won via propaganda against the Roman ethos; through moral subversion of Roman culture with the Christian parasite - the supposed 'equality of man' - casting scorn upon the heroic ideals of pagan imperialism, while raising up the faux humility of resentment filled holy men.  

Ironically, just like today, the appeal to 'equality' caught on among the liberal elites within Rome.  Those wealthy elites separated from the rabble but possessed by an aryan sense of noblesse oblige toward the lower classes.  Women were the first converts, by a wide margin, and this is even acknowledged by the presence of Mary and other women being the first witnesses to Christ's resurrection.  Women's testimony was considered useless in Jewish courts, making it obvious that the Gospels are propaganda designed to, amongst other things, appeal to feminine Gentile hearts.

Of course, once a snowball starts rolling it keeps going.  What began as a splinter Jewish plot to subvert Rome became more than any one could handle.  Over time, as more and more gentiles joined the revolutionary movement, the original 'jewishness' of comic book Jesus and his sidekick apostles took a backseat to the jewishness of the naughty elders.  The late-dated John's gospel, clearly aimed at Gentiles, declared jews who opposed him to be children of their father the devil.  And so this jewish/gentile hybrid religion gradually made their fellow jews eternal enemies of men and God alike, as the result of it becoming more and more a gentile effort, who now worshipped the Jewish god to the exclusion of the 'former' Chosen People.  

The obvious parallels in the Gospels to Roman gods and Homeric myths demonstrates that Christianity had limited appeal to jews, who seemed to smell a rat early on, and so was designed to reel in Gentiles attracted by promises of heavenly rewards. As more and more Gentile converts became the early Church fathers developing doctrine, the animus between Christians and Jews was cemented.  When Christianity eventually became the official religion of Rome under Constantine, it was a great Jewish victory, as Yahweh had defeated the Greek and Roman pantheon of gods.  However, the greater mass of jews remained outside the new Church of Rome, both implacably opposed to it and persecuted by it; but also protected from harm by it, as immortalised in the catholic dogma, Sicut Judaeis non.

Some make the grandiose claim that the entire Christian edifice is one big Jewish conspiracy, right up to the present day.  And in some sense it is. Those who dedicate time to understanding the relationship between the surface antagonism realise that Christianity owes its existence to the Jewish myth of Christ, and know full well that the Roman Church is both persecutor and guardian of the Jews due to that symbiotic relationship.  

What, then, was the Reformation? As the Roman Church developed and spread out across gentile Europe, it took on pagan trappings that made it easier to convert others to the Faith.  Eventually that decadence led to a 'cleansing' by Judaising gentiles who sought to return the Faith to something as closely resembling its Old Testament Jewish roots as possible - hence the reversion to a Bible-alone reformed version of Christianity - a move approved of and financed by Jews at long war with Roman Catholicism.  Why at war?  A gentile-ized yahwism had defeated the Caesars but the Roman Church, though somewhat paganised through multi territorial expansion, retained the intolerant monotheism of its jewish patron, Yahweh.  

And so the last 2000 years more or less, has seen Jewish led and financed revolutions against the power of the Roman Catholic Church.  What did Rome learn from Jerusalem?   It already knew how to impose universal political rule through conquest, but then it learned from the Old Testament god to be religiously intolerant of all other faiths and people groups in favour of the Jewish tribal deity.  Hence, why many think (and not without reason) that despite the appearance of antisemitism, that Christianity is simply controlled opposition, ruled from the shadows by Jewish financiers.  Current events certainly support that view. 

I have no doubt that Jews who have fought against the Catholic faith over the centuries, whether as the creators of freemasonry and other secret societies, financing revolution and subversive efforts to undermine catholic culture, did so believing themselves to be heroes.  All in the name of freedom and liberty for all.  Not to mention tidy profits along the way, holding the Christians to jewish standards of behaviour no longer sanctioned among jews themselves, thanks to the replacement of the Torah with the Talmud.  The irony of course is that they are still fighting against Roman rule, but this time with the patronage of their own god against least until Vatican II, when the charge of deicide of God was finally lifted, declaring the Jews victorious over Rome and once more in control of their volcanic tribal god.  

The truth is that the intolerant aspect of Christianity is its patron, the jewish tribal deity, Yahweh, who commands his people that they shall have no other gods before him.  Yahweh demands the genocide of nonbelievers, declaring them wicked and ripe for slaughter. Jesus and his father, Yahweh, are one, according to the New Testament.  Christianity is the Jewish god's megalomania directed at the world, and somewhat unintentionally, back at themselves.  It can truly be said, as jewish writer Marcus Eli Ravage boasted in print, that the Jews conquered the West by destroying all the pagan gods and cultures and getting Europe to worship their God.  Some have argued, persuasively, that were it not for Rome adopting Yahweh as their god, the Jews would have been wiped out or faded from history long ago.  Instead, they remain figures of towering influence and subversive reputation, one that has served them well for millennia.

An Apologia for Sloth

One is unable to enjoy reading a book in a coffee shop knowing others are working to survive, because he is stricken with guilt and a linger...