Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Divorce the Dragon Lady (or at least get it annulled!)

Bishop Strickland says that while this Synod can do substantial harm, it can never truly change the church established by Jesus.  I disagree by analogy: say you have a beautiful bride, lovely in face; fair and temperate in character - your own Lady Galadriel.  You give yourself to her in Holy Matrimony.  Then, over time, that lovely person communicates a personal interest in dragons.  At first you think it's a cute affectation, but not only does she start hoarding dragon books, toys, decorations, but she begins using your shared bank account to alter her face with cosmetic surgery.  It started with a dragon tattoo here and there, but a few years later, she has diverted virtually all your shared income to making herself look like a dragon, complete with dental serrated teeth; a reconstructed nose and whatever else you can think of.  She now no longer looks or acts anything like the woman you married but insists that despite all the permanent alterations she is still the same person.  That this is her true self, that she has yearned to reveal to the world.  And that it would be a terrible sin to divorce yourself from her.  But in such a circumstance, I think you have grounds for an annulment - given the hidden mental disturbance in this person did not manifest itself until after you'd committed to her.  You entered the contract/sacrament not knowing she was already possessed by a malignant spirit and in need of exorcism.  It turns out, you've never met the Real She; you've only ever communicating with a False Version that was inhabiting her body.  She is not the person you married, because you've never actually met the real person, apart from her previously beautiful form.  

 For the safety of yourself and your children, you can get the marriage annulled.  

I suggest that to anyone who made the mistake of converting to Catholicism, particularly during the reign of Frankie, you are free to repent and revert back to your previous denomination, whatever it may be.  I suggest that the confirmation ceremony was not licit; that the Profession of Faith you uttered has no hold over you, because you unknowingly professed faith in a false bride who was withholding crucial information from you in order to secure the ring.  You came in, having been woo'd by the Catholic publishing industry extolling the 'Fullness of Faith' found only in the Catholic Church, only to find, once you already crossed the Tiber, a Church possessed by an Antichrist spirit kept hidden from you by a legion of 'bridesmaids' who had persuaded you of her virtue with their endless appeals to Tolkien, Chesterton and a Traditional Church that exists only in imagination and desire.  The only ones defending her still, and claiming we should remain married to this dragon-faced monstrosity, are lifelong Catholics who love the Image of the Bride they married and are unwilling to admit to themselves that a False Image is all she was, all along.  The surgeries that altered her, when the possession took hold, occurred decades ago...perhaps at Vatican II, perhaps after Pius XII, or perhaps even further back - to the Great Schism or beyond.  In any event, to leave the Church at this point is not an illicit divorce, but a fully justifiable annulment.  We were lied to.

Which is not to say that there isn’t a True Church out there…you just have to be willing to be ‘single’ again and go looking for love once more, in all the right places.

An Apologia for Sloth

One is unable to enjoy reading a book in a coffee shop knowing others are working to survive, because he is stricken with guilt and a linger...